
Here you can find all the news and information around the dormitory at Rosenbachweg.

In the future you will be able to find all the important news on upcoming events as well as updates considering the organisation and administration. In case you are having trouble with your internet connection check back here to find updates from us on any WiFi outages etc.

Dear residents and friends,

This month we would like to welcome all the new residents at RBW dorm, as especially one week before the semester starts, many students just moved in. At this point, we would like to inform you, that if you have any questions regarding the dorm or you would like to get...

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Am 22.03.2021 von 00:00 bis 04:00 werden wir Wartungen am Wohnheimnetz vornehmen. In dieser Zeit kommt es zu kurzen Ausfällen, Wacklern oder Verbindungstrennungen sowohl kabelgebunden, als auch über WLAN. Diese sind nötig, um die Stabilität und Sicherheit des Netzwerkes zu gewährleisten.

Danke für...

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Dear residents and friends,

as there were requests in our last survey to update you not only through our WhatsApp-Group but also through E-Mail, we are trying to do it on a regular basis as a newsletter. The following topics have been collected over the last few weeks:

  1. RBW-sur...

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UPDATE Maintenance over

In the night from the 29.11.2020 to the 30.11.2020 from 1am to 3am, we need to perform necessary maintenance on a core network component. Therefore, the internet connection will be partly or fully unavailable during that. time Thank you for your acceptance, we will post an...

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Dear residents, starting with the 1st of December 2020, new rules to mitigate the corona pandemic from our government are in place. As the current rules did not have a sufficient effect, the following rules will apply then:

  • Meetings and gatherings on the outside are limited to your own and anoth...

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