
The self-administration is made up of residents who voluntarily work as tutors or as members of committees to improve life at RBW for all residents. To compensate for the time they put in, they receive 10€ per month and the particular semester is not counted towards the maximum period of residence.

If you're interested in joining the self-administration, just write an email to or stop by at one of the upcoming meetings of the tutors or the dormitory council. New people with great ideas are always welcome!

list of current tutors

Tutorial Name
1st mayor ( Merle Schiller
2nd mayor ( Johannes Thieme
1st dormitory council spokesperson ( Raphael Winkelmann
2nd dormitory council spokesperson ( Lydia
media tutors ( available
Ann-Kathrin W.
workroom tutor ( Benjamin T.
bicycle tutor ( Manu 8/214
integration tutor ( Laura Sophie K.
sports tutor ( Steffen R. 12/408
games tutor ( Charlotte S.
sharepoint tutor ( Amira
culture tutor ( Azad I. Abdi
gardening tutor ( Jingrong Luo
BA chairperson ( Milan G. 8/106
BA members ( Rebecca K.
Maurice Streit
Kilian K.
Selina Hagemann
checking committee ( Okko Denker
Azad I. Abdi
Maybrit S.
internet tutors ( Janik
cash checkers ( Jantje
Selina Hagemann
voting assistant ( Jantje

duties of the tutors

A short description of the tutors' duties is given below. More details can be found (in German language) in our regulations; you can alternatively contact the current tutors (see list above) or find out more by visiting one of the meetings.


media tutor

culture tutor

games tutor

sports tutor

integration tutor

workroom tutor

internet tutors

bicycle tutor

gardening tutor

dormitory council spokespersons

BA (residency committee)

controlling committee

transfer protocol and privacy for tutors

Here you can find the current Transfer protocoll, the Privacy commitment, aswell as the Privacy notice regarding the publication of personal data on the website